Posted on June 22 2023,

We are getting so close to your wedding now. The invites have gone out and RSVP's starting to trickle in; you've got all your appointments (which we're sure seems like a never ending list!) locked in; hens and bucks weekends booked; questions being thrown at you left, right and centre and you're so close to becoming a married couple, that the desire for the day to just be here already is palpable! But you have one appointment with us left to go ... your FINAL CONSULT! The big show, the last time we'll see you (generally) before your big day!
So what actually happens at your final consult and why is it so dang important? Well, this is the time that we go through everything you have booked with us item by item and we really get down in the weeds and get everything locked in and finalised.
You have to remember that since the time you initially booked with us to the final consult, it could be months, sometimes even over a year! During this time you might have changed your colours slightly or hugely; your Bridesmaids colours might have changed, your numbers probably have changed or you've decided to incorporate a certain type of flower into your theme ... these are all things that we get finalised during your consult. And remember how we said that during the waiting time of booking and the final consult that we ask you to make a list of small changes? Well this is your opportunity to then let us know and we can make the necessary amendments!
We really like to work out the Bridal bouquet first because this is the basis for all of your floral elements and overall colour palette. We really spend some time chatting about the bouquet, what flowers you like, the size and the shape and get that really squared away. Then from there we can have a greater understanding of your Bridesmaids bouquets, buttonholes, ceremony flowers and table centrepieces.
We also chat about your suppliers and make notes of them, chat roughly about on the day timeline and answer any questions you may have surrounding that. Depending on your wedding will depend on the length of the consult ... generally the more you have included, the longer your consult but in saying that, we have 1 hour to get everything finalised so we are happy for you to take your time!
While we do like to do the final consults face-to-face, we understand that this is not always possible, so we can do them over the phone too. It's the exact same process but we just ask that you have a copy of your proposal in front of you so it makes it easier to go through everything.
After your consult is done and you are satisfied that we have covered everything, we will then spend some time updating your proposal to reflect everything we spoke about. We update images, numbers and make extra notes, sometimes, for your benefit and others, for ours. We then forward it back through to you to have a read over then it's ready to make your final payment!
Generally our wedding peak season runs from September to December, the February to April, so if your wedding is during or around this time, we will probably have your final consult 2-4 months prior to your wedding date as it's just way too busy during peak season to give you the attention you deserve while we have other couples weddings going on. This is no problem at all as by then, you are fairly finalised on everything and the only thing that will change will probably be your numbers. By the 4 week mark, everything needs to be locked in as we have to finalise your flower order, so after this time, we ask that if you are making changes, that you call or email and let us know so we are all across it.
Your final consult is really your sanity check to get all the things out of your brain and the chance to ask any questions that you have stored away. It's one of our favourite parts as generally we might have only conversed via email or phone, so we love meeting our couples and getting to know them!
Next up, the big day and what you can expect!
Chat soon,
Amy + Sara